The SHCA Inc Executive has been in discussion for several days in respect to the GN 2020. With the ever changing situation as a result of COVID-19 virus, we believe that the likelihood of being able to hold the Grand National Saddle Horse and Rider Championships later in the year, is becoming less of a reality day by day. We feel that the best course of action is to cancel the 2020 Grand National and carry the event over to the usual time frame in 2021 to precede Easter and the Sydney Royal Show.
Qualifications for GN 2020 will automatically carry over to GN 2021. Qualifying events have already been held for 2021 this year and qualifications obtained at these events in qualifying classes will be eligible for 2021 also. If the situation regarding the lock down changes and further qualifying events are able to be held later this year, these will also be eligible for 2021.
Rationale behind the decision Our decision was based on the best possible advice available from both the State and Federal Governments as to how long the restrictions will be in place. The impact on our members and our clubs in the current economy was also a consideration in the decision.
It was decided that it would be too difficult and not viable to hold Grand National Show Horse and Rider Championships late in 2020 and then follow up shortly after with the 2021 Grand National Show Horse and Rider Championships. Competitors from NZ, WA, NT and Tasmania for example, would find the cost and effort of attending both events prohibitive. If the event was held late this year for those who qualified for 2020 it would be unl;ikely that a viable event would be able to be held in 2021 as there would be insufficient qualified competitors. Our Grand National Show Horse and Rider Championships is held within the same time frame each year to suit the majority of competitors.
Consideration was also given to our valued and generous sponsors. Providing sponsorship for two events in such a short time frame follwing on from these uncertain economic times had to be considered as well.
Our decision was not taken lightly and it is a great disappointment for all those who had planned to attend and to those who had worked so hard to put the 2020 Grand National Saddle Horse and Rider Championships together in such a short period of time.
Information has already been sent regarding refunds of entries etc. We ask you to again be patient with the refund process, as it will be done manually. We ask you for your understanding at this time as we look to moving forward.
Executive Committee
Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc
27 March 2020
Important Information for Exhibitors
As you are all aware, the 2020 Hufglocken SHCA Grand National was postponed due to the developing and now ongoing COVID- 19 health crisis. Several options were explored and discussed at the Meeting of Council held on 3 May 2020 and Members of Council along with the Executive of the Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc and the Grand National Sub Committee have now collectively agreed on the following process:
Fees Paid via the SAMMS On-line Show Entry System: Refunds of all stabling and camping fees paid via SAMMS (ie SHCA Database) less the $20 administration fee paid per exhibitor will be made to each Exhibitor. Please be patient - SHCA Inc will need to process these payments manually which will take some time. Payment will be made to the bank account nominated in the entry unless we are otherwise advised.
Fees Paid via Nominate: Refunds of all fees paid to Nominate have been refunded by Nominate less their standard postponement/cancellation fee. ALL PAYMENTS WERE REFUNDED BY NOMINATE by 30/4.
We thank you for all your patience and understanding - the Executive and Members of Council will be providing further updates to everyone as we are able to do so.
Executive & Members of Council, Show Horse Council of Australasia Inc
Updated 07.05.2020