Official SHCA Measuring Days are regularly held in all States. A current SHCA Measuring Card/Certificate is required for SHCA Competition.
Enquiries to Chief Measurer Joann Maunder Email:
- Provisional $15 incl GST
- Annual $15 incl GST
- Life Measurement $75.00 incl GST
- Non members $15 incl GST
- Remeasure Fee: $500 incl GST (non-refundable)
- Default payment $500 incl GST for any non-appearance at Remeasure
The SHCA Inc Measuring Scheme Rules can be accessed below. Some main points to keep in mind are:
- Provisional Measures are issued to horses under 5 years of age and are valid for 6 months from the date of the measure. A horse is not eligible to be re-measured for a further Provisional or Annual measure unless the current measure is within 1 month of expiry;
- Annual Measures are issued to horses 5 years of age & over and are valid for 12 months from the date of the measure. A horse is not eligible to be re-measured for a further Annual measure unless the current measure is within 3 months of expiry;
- Life Measures for horses under 16.3hh may be applied for at the time of measuring and may be granted providing all of the following conditions are met:
- The horse is 8 years of age or over & holds a current SHCA Inc Annual measure;
- The horse is not being measured as a result of a Right of Appeal or Re-Measure (refer to Rules);
- Prior to the application being made for a Life Measure, the horse MUST HAVE HELD THREE CONSECUTIVE ANNUAL MEASURES in the same height division having been measured by TWO DIFFERENT SHCA Inc MEASURERS; and
- The Life measurement places the horse in the same height division as the previous measures.
- Life Measures for horses 16.3hh & over may be applied for at any time regardless of the age of the horse, and may be issued at the first measure.
* New measuring and replacement measuring forms can be found under our Forms tab
please note
Transfers of Ownership & Measuring
If you have purchased a horse registered in the SHCA Inc National Saddle Horse Register, please make sure that you request that the horse's SHCA Inc Official Measuring Card is also passed on to you by the seller. If the horse has not been measured previously, a Card will be issued when it is measured for the first time. If the Card has been lost or misplaced, please contact the Chief Measurer or the SHCA Office to arrange a replacement.