Show reports
How to access show results
To access the "Results" section for each show
- find the tab for our Database on the top of the home page - no login is required
- Click on "shows" - make sure you select which show you are wanting to view from the drop down menu
- Click on "results" and make the selection for which day/class you want to see and then click on the button marked "all results"
2023 SHCV Southern Stars Royal Gala 26th - 27th August
Photo Credit - Lisa Gordon & Angie Rickard
That's a wrap for the 2023 SHCV Southern Stars Royal Gala... A huge thank you to the exhibitors who travelled near and far to exhibit at the first GN Qualifier back!
As requested through our surveys early in the year, the need for a qualifier at Tatura was overwhelming. With the help from our fantastic committee, and various volunteers we pulled it off!
To our major partners Hairy Pony, Racing Victoria, Cranbourne Ag Horse & Pet & EAC Animal Health, we thank you for your ongoing support & attendance. Every class was spoken for by generous Sponsors, with incredible prizes - thank you to every single company, individual or group.
Our Judges Brian Scholes, Paul Morath, Bronwyn Parker, Bridget Sell, Sharon Greenhill & Tanya Chapman. Thank you for giving up your time to officiate at this event.
Our announcer extraordinaire Jeremy Roberts a huge thankyou goes to you who kept our crowd entertained and all our exhibitors informed over the weekend. We are lucky to have such talented people part of the team.
All results from the 2023 SHCV Southern Stars Royal Gala can be found on the SHCA Database or via the link below.
Photographers Lisa Gordon from EQUINET Photography, Angie Rickard & Equine Promotions Australia are rapidly getting your images up for viewing.
We look forward to seeing all our SHC Members at the last 2023 SHCV GN Qualifier at Werribee Park held in November.
2023 SHC CA Junior Showcase 8th September & 2023 SHCCA Horseland Mt Barker Spring Spectacular show 9th - 10th September
Photo Credit - Jaimee Bruggeman
Show Horse Council Competitors Assoc.
Junior Showcase and Spring Spectacular
Despite the bitterly cold day on Friday for the Junior Showcase, the children and horses acquitted themselves most admirably. Congratulations to all the competitors who gained their ticket to the Grand National 2024. Special thanks to our judge Margaret Templeton who braved the wind and cold with a smile on her face and slightly frozen fingers.
The Spring Spectacular on Saturday and Sunday presented another set of challenges, thanks to the airlines cancelling two judges’ flights, as they were about to board. Our most sincere thanks to Jill Best for stepping in on Saturday and Marg Templeton for extending her time in SA by two days to help us out. Thank you also to Kym Stewart, who drove to Brisbane from the Sunshine Coast again because of a cancelled flight. Amanda O’Sullivan was fortunate not to encounter any disruptions on her way from Qld. The committee are most grateful for the understanding and co-operation shown by the competitors during these unscheduled judging changes.
Congratulations again to the winners and runners-up and to all competitors who supported this show after a tiring week competing at Adelaide Royal, thank you and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
2023 Horse of the Year Tasmania 4th - 5th November
Photo credit - Leonie Kirkhope
The Show Horse Council of Tasmania Inc, Horse of the Year for 2023, was held on the 4th & 5th November at the Longford Indoor, in Longford
Although the numbers were low the quality of horses presented did not disappoint our Judges.
We sincerely thank Ms Linley Arnold-Wardle and Ms Lynda Hayes for their time and professionalism especially with our junior members, providing guidance and advice.
To our sponsors we thank you for continuing your support, as without this we would not be able to present this competition to our members.
2024 SHCV Battle of the Borders 17th - 18th February
Photo Credit - Lisa Gordon
Battle of the Borders 2024
On February 17 & 18 the NV&BD SHCV Sub Committee held the Grand National Qualifier show in Albury NSW. This is the 8th year we have held this show and once again it was a fabulous event.
Entries were high and well supported. The judges were highly complementary of the high quality of the horses and riders that they were privileged to judge. Once again, we held our special event – The Laura Berben Memorial Award – which was won by Total Fashionista. All proceeds from this class are donated to the McGrath Foundation, and we are very proud to support this charity.
Many beautiful horses and riders achieved their ticket to Grand Nationals. We wish them the best of luck. A big thankyou to our generous sponsors, SHCV and our hardworking committee for putting on such a fabulous event.